Friday, August 25, 2017

McKenzie Wark's Take on Wang Hui and Leftist Orientalism

 There is a Yiddish phrase: The fish stinks from the head. This means that what starts wrong can never be correct. I trust China's modern revolution starting with the May 4 Movement, through the defeat and banishment of the KMT and its U.S. backers; the government that destroyed Native Americans and their culture. I trust China through its history of humanist thought, belief in synchronicity, and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thought. I understand the pressure of capitalist propaganda. How it panders infantile fantasies rather than collectivism, and I support Xu Jun-Ping and the politburo to reign in the corruption inherent in market adaptation. The fish stinks from the head and any nation that can close that capitalist mouth filled with seven thousand nuclear weapons, two that were used on an already defeated Asian nation, has my support.

McKenzie Wark's Take on Wang Hui and Leftist Orientalism

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